Chapter 77: The Killer in the Hospital

You can always trust the quantum superposition state of American moral quality.

Once the influence of money is removed.

If the tempting green US dollars are involved, the moral quality of Americans might as well be absent, awe-inspiringly so. Chen Yu couldn't understand why a doctor in a major American hospital would so carelessly prescribe so many boxes of opioid medication like Oxycodone for pain relief.

Even the street drugstores directly sell pain relievers like Ibuprofen in bottles of one hundred pills.

"Oxycodone, huh." Chen Yu looked at the medication in his hand. Theoretically, as an addictive opioid, it should be strictly controlled. But seeing the doctor's demeanor just now, he knew that this strict control was as hard as a cam girl trying to defend Zone B in CS with a large sum of money at stake.