Chapter 75: The Hanging Rope

Chen Yu looked at the rope in his hand and couldn't help but scratch his head.

He had just tentatively grabbed onto this rope, but overall, nothing particularly special had happened. The woman before him seemed completely unaffected, while Chen Yu found himself holding a new rope with a loop, which he instantly knew the purpose of.

Moreover, this rope was invisible to others; only Chen Yu could see it, and he had no idea why.

But even though Chen Yu was contemplating things, the construction of the Memory Weaver didn't stop.

Liu Sang was about to say something when shouting from the building above interrupted him, causing him to sigh and lose some of his enthusiasm for chatting.

"Aunt Lin is shouting every day, and it seems Brother Li and the others have already begun to prepare... for the end." Wang Taozhi's expression also sank quite a bit, as she and Liu Sang often played at Aunt Lin's place when they were younger.