At this thought, Lin Yi couldn't help but reveal a bitter smile in his heart, and an unbidden phrase surfaced—"In this life, I've walked on thin ice."
Lin Yi returned to his seat, while Wei Liang was still engrossed in his hentai manga.
He was quite curious about studying hentai manga, but there were still some matters that needed to be addressed.
"One thing at a time…"
He picked up a pen and drew a table on a sticky note, then wrote down a few names like A, B, C, and started jotting down the symbols "〇", "√", "×", "/" in the blank spaces...
Following his memory, he made a few marks, and then began pondering the meanings of these symbols and the implications of the various annotations.
"The circle and slash on the names obviously represent the person's status…"
"The ones with nothing are the 'unconcerned' like me…"
"Those marked with circles are Sports Students... or, expanding the scope a bit, let's assume that both Sports Students and Art Students are named with circles."