And one thing is certain, no matter what, the safe distance reserved for him would not be too long, as there are numerous phalanxes of sculptures lurking within the Green Forest Belt. They do not move during the day, but as he penetrates deeper into the mountains, they too gain preliminary mobility, not to mention that boundary line deep in the forest.
He strained to observe his surroundings, trying his hardest to capture some mad images from the distorted vision. It was a gloomy, damp corner in the dense forest, almost as if it was a cursed land shrouded with an ominous aura.
"Rustle rustle rustle..."
"Rustle rustle rustle..."
Suddenly, some rustling sounds appeared around him, unlike the sounds emitted by the movement of sculptures, resembling more like some robust, elongated creature moving between the dense forest, the sound produced by scales rubbing against tree trunks and dry leaves...