Chapter 48: It's you!

"Murder! Murder~!"

At Yuelai Inn, the night was pierced by shouts of combat and the clash of weapons.

Mysterious figures in black surged in, ambushing from all sides, roughly half the number of the Changrui contingent.

But the escort agency's formation was in disarray, unable to leverage their numerical superiority.

The poison had taken partial effect—martial arts could not be executed to full potential, and those heavily affected were helplessly weak.

They were terribly unlucky, with seven or eight falling in the first exchange against the attackers in black.

The more carnage there was, the more vicious and exhilarated the marauders became.

Their weapons showed no mercy, aiming for vital points.

Like the Changrui side, this group were of mixed strength, yet seven or eight swordsmen proved exceptionally troublesome!

In such a fight, Zhao Rong was clearly at a disadvantage.