Zhao Rong spurred his horse on the journey, and a day later, he had entered the heart of the Central Plains, reaching the banks of the Yellow River.
He stayed one night in Mouzhou, then the next morning he headed straight east towards Bianliang.
This trip was just seventy li. He left Mouzhou City in the morning, hearing the clanking construction noises. When he entered Bianliang, the sun had dipped below the hills, and the Iron Pagoda wrapped in clouds was already in sight.
The so-called splendid Five Phoenix Tower, since ancient times, the state of emperors.
Although Bianjing was no longer at its most flourishing, it still was a bustling metropolis.
Passing the Sui Dyke and willows shrouded in mist, Zhao Rong rode into the city, his eyes catching sight of the painted pavilions and brothels, their windows bedecked with pearl curtains.