Chapter 76: Killing Move - Whirlwind Thunder, Sports Meet (4K, Request for Monthly Pass)_2

"Even if it's just 'theoretically', doesn't the power of The Sixth Agency seem excessive?"

"The Sixth Agency was originally established temporarily to coordinate domestic forces; the plan was to disband it once the abnormal disasters from the Intersecting Boundaries were under control."

Wu Youqing spread his hands.

"As you can see, the problems with the Intersecting Boundaries have not been solved to this day, and new issues arise every day—Heretical God Cult, Martial Artists, Blessed Ones, private military corporations, and various terrorist organizations... The number of anomalies is only increasing."

"Therefore, The Sixth Agency has remained in existence until now."

Xue Jing mused, "The Sixth Agency has such extensive power—is the government not worried that it might get out of hand?"

Wu Youqing shook his head, "The top tier of the agency is the 'Institution Management Committee,' consisting of thirteen people, nearly all of whom reside in 'Cangting.'