Chapter 159: The Invincible Heart, Susanoo's Great Buddha, One Man Extinguishes Four Nations! (4K)_2

Xue Jing smiled and said, "I'll do my best."

Perhaps it was the continuous victory along the way that had nurtured an unbeatable mindset... Despite facing an unprecedented, far more terrifying monster than himself, not a trace of cowardice existed in his heart.

It was as if he wasn't about to confront a Pureblood Dragon Species but was going out for a casual stroll to the supermarket, without a hint of fear.

He didn't know whether this mindset was good or bad.

The emotion of fear has its negative effects, but it also has positive ones.

Excessive confidence has its advantages and disadvantages as well.

However, so far, it seemed that the advantages outweighed the disadvantages.

At least, he wouldn't make any mistakes in his actions due to wavering in the middle of a battle.

"Only with an unbeatable heart can you throw an unbeatable punch..."

Xue Jing gazed at his fist clenched tightly in front of him.

"Believe in your heart, for it is your magic!"
