Chapter 167: The Reborn Xue Jing, Heavenly Blade Mystique: Cherry Full Moon, Slaying the True Dragon! (4K)_3

"It's over, all our efforts wasted..."

The Mirror Person within the bracelet despairingly covered their head.

Tears welled up in their eyes as they looked at the boy who was now nothing but a skeleton, sorrowfully saying:

"Xue Jing..."

This youth, who had been so confident that not even the news of facing a Pureblood Dragon Species could waver him but instead carefully arranged his plan for Slaying the Dragon, always seeming to have everything under his control, had met his end like this...

To fall against the powerful Pureblood Dragon Species seemed a natural and reasonable outcome, yet the Mirror Person found it hard to accept.


The ecstatic dragon's cry echoed through heaven and earth, an unprecedented sense of exhilaration overwhelming the True Dragon.

It never imagined that merely crushing an insect would bring such immense joy and a sense of accomplishment.