Article 47 The First Mixer

After walking for almost ten minutes, the group finally arrived at the Toronto buffet restaurant, a place considered a luxury for students with an average cost of 99 per person. The restaurant's decor was indeed impressive. Among the eight people, many were visiting for the first time, including Zhou Yuwen, who had recently come to study from a small town.

Chang Hao, on the other hand, was already familiar with the place. He went straight to the counter and chatted with the cashier about a phone reservation he had made for eight people. The manager asked if it was Mr. Chang?

"Yes, it is."

"Oh, good, please follow me."

A dedicated waiter led Chang Hao and the rest to a prepared eight-person long dining table. The decoration of Toronto was quite decent. People who frequently visit large malls in the future might not think much of it, but for at least Li Qiang, who was visiting such a restaurant for the first time, it was overwhelming. He wondered how much it would all cost.