156, Unmatched under the heavens, enemies come from the sky

Tan Shuchang walked boldly into Guan He Xi Tuo Mountain, and under the warm reception of the Guan He Xi Tuo Mountain disciples, he visited the world-famous Lotus Tower and casually freed everyone locked inside.

Then, Tan Shuchang browsed through the collection of ancient texts of Guan He Xi Tuo Mountain. Indeed, as the master of Guan He Xi Tuo Mountain had guaranteed, their collection was no less impressive than that of Luoja Mountain.

Moreover, there were many ancient texts that were even from beyond the Jiawu Realm.

Some were bound by bridges; some were about boundless waters where ships were built for cultivating immortality; and others depicted walking skeletons that seemed almost alive. When he got to the end, there was an incomplete sentence— "The realm of immortals may feed on the mundane."

"Who wrote this book?" Tan Shuchang asked, holding the book.