Chapter 84: Leading the Charge!

Lin Feng and his troops were discussing something, but Rocky had no idea what it was, nor did he have the luxury of minding other people's business.

At this moment, Rocky stood on the high walls of Backhill Village and had been standing there the entire morning.

Having witnessed yesterday's battle with his own eyes, today's Rocky dared not take anything lightly, especially since according to Lin Feng's words, demons would start appearing endlessly from the moment the first batch emerged. So, barring any unforeseen circumstances, demons would attack today as well!

How he wished for some accident to occur...

Standing on the high wall, Rocky hoped more than once for some accident that would prevent the demons from coming. Although this thought might seem cowardly, it is a natural human sentiment, as nobody in their right mind would want to fight demons unless they were mad.

However, his prayers went unanswered. What was destined to come, after all, arrived.