Chapter 239: Surrounded by Onlookers

"The greatest obstacle standing before you is that you are merely a mortal, and a Human at that, one of the races with the shortest lifespans," the robed Cultivator leaned slightly forward, his tone laced with endless allure. "When we corrupt Cultivators had just established ourselves within Kai-Oine, Mogrondale City hadn't even laid its first cobblestone."

"Thousands of years have passed, and we have always been here, monitoring the state of the Abyss and rumors, amassing countless lost knowledge and magic. Wish for a longer life? We have plenty of ways for that. Transforming a Tanari into a Bartez is quite startling to hear about, but turning a mortal into a Tanari is not so difficult. You could even retain your own form, at most growing organs such as antlers, a tail, or wings that signify your new race, all transformations not repugnant to a Succubus..."