Chapter 548 Dragons' Latter Years

"Uh, is that so?" Lancelot's face showed a troubled expression, "In past battles, your magic has always played a key role..."

"Haha, don't be so downhearted, our magic is unlikely to have any effect on an adult dragon, but we can still use it on ourselves." The Elf Priest chuckled and waved his hand, "My Blessing Divine Art can make you hit more accurately and dodge quicker, while the Healing Divine Art will ensure that your bodies are always in the best condition. Kalalin has a whole array of Enhancement Spells, including Jump Spell, Enlarge Spell, Haste Spell, Striding, and Greater Illusion. I'm sure he will choose the most suitable spell according to the situation."

"I understand," Lancelot nodded and passed over another skewer of meat, "As long as the spell's target isn't the dragon itself, it should still work normally, right?"