About forty feet from the group, three humanoid creatures stood guard in front of a stone gate. Their appearance was extremely ugly, their large and pointed noses nearly covered their entire faces, resembling huge rat heads; their lean bodies were wrapped in fur garments, with javelins on their backs and heavy weapons like double-edged axes and meteor hammers in their hands.
These were the Fencer Trolls that Old Reap had mentioned. They had been in the midst of a heated argument when they heard the group approaching. They all turned their heads towards them and shouted a strange word:
"Hmm? This word sounds a bit familiar…" Bruto squinted his eyes doubtfully, "Isn't it the Giant's Tongue for 'meat'?"
The actions of the Fencer Trolls confirmed the Dwarf's guess. Two of them quickly took javelins from their backs and threw them at the group, while another pushed open the stone gate and ran inside.