Chapter 554 Traps and Roadblocks

"Wait a second, there are so many traps ahead." Little Isha held onto the waist belts of Lancelot and Bruto with each hand, "There's a pitfall there, and there will be falling rocks... Please wait for me for a moment, it's going to take some time to dismantle all these traps..."

"I can help!" The scholar, who was standing behind the little girl, suddenly spoke up, already holding out a scroll, "With this, we can quickly and broadly remove multiple traps..."

"What is this?" Lancelot asked curiously, "Some advanced spell that automatically dismantles traps?"

"To some extent... yes," Kalalin replied, wearing a strange expression on his face, "I should have mentioned to you that in the Multiverse, the ultimate answer to most problems..."

"Most problems..." Lancelot began to say, but stopped midway, "Wait, you don't mean..."