466 Unrestrained Soaring

On the morning of the second day, Guan Tingting led the five apprentices through another analysis and review of the structure model of the First Order Spell "Burning Hand," pointing out a few areas that needed special attention. Just then, Li Ke sneaked in, not saying a word but showering Guan Tingting with obsequious smiles.

Guan Tingting ignored her and continued to explain to the apprentices. Li Ke had no choice but to sulkingly leave the light door and came up behind Guan Tingting, calling out in a coquettish tone, "Master!"

The apprentices exchanged glances then deliberately looked away, their eyes on their noses and their noses on their hearts, as their presence seemingly shrank to nothingness.

"Have you finished your morning tasks?" asked Guan Tingting.

"I have, I have, and now I can even cast Zero-Level Spells. You don't believe me? Look!"