Chapter 10 Groundhog

At the end of the four-day mini-camp, Knight called me into his office, and I knew then that my happy days here were coming to an end. Dismissed along with me were John Stockton, Morris Martin, and Terry Porter (Porter because he had chickenpox).

But in his office, I saw real pain on Knight's face, genuine suffering, and suddenly the tough guy turned tender. I thought he would be glad to get rid of me, but in reality, he was upset about his decision.

I believe he felt hurt by having to cut any one of us; he actually had a compassionate heart, he just had to do it. It was then that I finally respected Knight; I realized just how similar we were.

I walked out quickly, but John didn't; he was furious, especially because Alford was competing with him. Honestly, Alford was no match for him, but there was nothing he could do since Alford was Knight's student. John wanted to gather those who weren't selected and play a game against those who were; he really cared so much.