Chapter 15 Changes

Overtraining can sometimes be detrimental to a player's growth.

Just like in the gym when building muscles, diet, rest, and training are all equally important.

The key is to find a balance, as overtraining leads to fatigue while too much rest brings complacency.

As an old-school coach, Jack Ramsey was known for his intense training regimens.

Even at 60, he still had the energy to tangle with players on and off the court.

But during the 1985-1986 training camp, Ramsey began to emphasize rest and started to treat different players distinctively.

In the past, Ramsey ran his team with impartiality, a common philosophy among traditional coaches. Off the court, you could be a star, but once on the court, everyone was equal under the coach's orders.

This time was different, as veterans received better care, rookies got more supervision, and star players were given diverse requirements, paired with more personalized training methods.