Chapter 54: Professional Wrestling Competition

Ramsay wasn't phased by Chuck Daly's "threat," knowing it was Dr. Jack's idea of a joke.

Although he wanted to say that the Pistons' players were more dangerous because they had Ah Gan, thinking of the Pistons' increasingly notorious reputation in the League, he gave up on explaining and arguing.

He simply said to Ramsay, "Doc, how does it feel to be the lead dog, the scenery must be nice, right? It's always changing."

Ramsay laughed and said, "It does feel good, and it's not just in the Western Conference, now the teams in the Eastern Conference have to look at our behinds too."

The two men burst into laughter on the sidelines.

What the two men referred to as "top dog" is a widely circulated saying in the sports coaching world, the original saying is "In a dog sled race, only the lead dog constantly sees a changing scenery."

If you can't be the lead dog, following behind the lead dog, the only scenery in front of you is the backside of the dog ahead.