Chapter 60: The Great Chef

The Trail Blazers' victory mitigated some of the harm that Gan Guoyang's rampage had dealt to the team.

After the game, as teammates returned to the locker room, they embraced Gan Guoyang one after another, with Drexler almost splitting his sides with laughter.

In the second half, almost every time Drexler drove to the basket, he would be met with the Pistons' brutal treatment.

But with his personality, he wasn't one to start a fight; he had a temper, but he didn't hit people.

Not only him, but the likes of Vandeweghe, Paxson, including Walton and Thompson, were all serious about playing the game.

This was related to their upbringing and personal character. For starters, let's just say that nearly all of these Trail Blazers players had fathers.

Vandeweghe and Jim Paxson were second-generation players, both with fathers who were former NBA players, and as such, their family circumstances and education were not lacking.