Gan Guoyang was now being overwhelmed by his son.
Although only one more person had been added to the family, the spacious villa soon went from a quiet and cozy world for two, to a chaotic one fraught with hustle and bustle.
One of the reasons Gan Guoyang stayed put in China, instead of returning to Portland, was his desire to have some peace and quiet for himself.
Although the arrival of a new life brought wonderful feelings and experiences, the commotion was truly incessant, with a new "little sun" around whom your life must rotate.
The family had hired a domestic helper to care for the child, but after a trial period, Wang Fuxi was quite dissatisfied and decided to take on the childcare herself.
After the birth of the child, Gan Youwei was unable to help out much, and with San Francisco pressing him to return, the restaurant's kitchen would have collapsed without him, so Gan Youwei went back to San Francisco once the confinement period was over.