39章 Now Your Time

The Trail Blazers ended their first Eastern tour of the season on December 10. However, due to heavy snowfall, their flight was delayed, and they were stuck in the VIP lounge of Milwaukee Mitchell International Airport, waiting for the weather to improve.

A few days earlier, the Trail Blazers had played in the warm, comfortable South, including Orlando, Miami, Charlotte, and Atlanta.

They had won three out of four games, the only loss was against Atlanta.

After Gan Guoyang scored 81 points at home, the Hawks faced the Trail Blazers and Gan Guoyang again, playing fiercely, determined to defeat the Trail Blazers at all costs.

Scoring 81 points was certainly an honor that shone in the annals of the NBA, but it meant the Hawks became the background, destined to be continuously whipped.

This summer, Avia invited Dominique Wilkins to shoot an advertisement with Gan Guoyang.

Wilkins was reluctant to death, but he finally agreed, as the offer was too much to refuse.