Chapter 449: The Internet Changes Football, This Commentator is Called Xiao Wei

Unfortunately, investing heavily in the traditional media industry in Europe is very costly.

Everyone said the internet would change people's lives, but in the domestic scene of 2001 and 2002, this change was still in its infancy.

Even elementary school textbooks had a lesson specifically about how "in the future, buying things would only require placing an order from home, and others would deliver it to your doorstep."

At that stage, whether children or adults, everyone thought this lesson was talking nonsense.

It was too advanced!

Too futuristic!

We definitely wouldn't see it in our lifetime, maybe our grandchildren's generation might?

However, in just a short decade, the internet really did change people's lives.

Even a pig, if it were at the forefront of such change, might have been able to fly.

But platforms like Taobao actually required huge amounts of capital and strong personal connections.