The 68th minute.
Manchester City's persistence on attacking down the left had begun to pay off.
Deng Kai made a quick dash past Gary, but was taken down by Gary who couldn't keep up.
The head referee immediately blew the whistle, awarding Manchester City a free kick.
After getting up, Deng Kai immediately turned over and roared at Gary.
It looked as though conflict was about to erupt once more.
Deng Kai quickly kicked the ball forward, taking a quick free kick.
The head referee had been distracted by Deng Kai's shout.
By the time he realized what happened, Ribery had already cut inside with the ball.
To call the quick play invalid at that point would seem amateurish.
Because the first moment had passed.
The head referee could only let the play go on.
After passing the ball, Deng Kai immediately pulled wide and dashed down the flank.
Ranieri, facing obstruction from Keane, didn't attempt to beat his man but instead found Deng Kai with a pass.