Chapter 19 The Flower Language of Steel Wool is Wealth and Endurance

"You!!" Shen Jinyue was so angry she felt itching in her teeth, wishing she could pounce on him and bite him to death.

Xu Qingyan appeared indifferent. The initial script given to him by the directorial team was to play an unpopular amateur guest, with only one requirement: to attract attention and create talking points.

However, at the same time, Xu Qingyan had to ensure he wasn't voted off the show. Although he had a guaranteed contract with the production team, he was still on a daily salary of one hundred thousand.

Run away after just three days but still want to pocket the entire sum of money?

After observing carefully, he found that among the female guests, except for Pei Muchan who had unclear intentions, Shen Jinyue was the most straightforward (easy to scheme against). Song Enya was somewhat sly, which could be described as rich and elegant green tea.

Nian Shuyu also seemed to be an amateur, a bit cunning but not much, and she was sympathetic.

As for the male guests, the cute guy Bai Jinze was a bit simple-minded, a little petty, and liked to play outdated Mary Sue tricks for wooing girls.

Mature guy Liu Renzhi was strange, like someone who frequents the gym.

Chen Feiyu... well, the lad was quite handsome, the kind that wealthy cougars would like. As soon as he entered the dating show, he set his sights on Song Enya, with a very clear goal.

The words "desperate to progress" were almost written on his face. It was said that the floral language of steel wool was wealth and forbearance, but it was unknown whether Song Enya's royal canine could endure it.

It was even said that some perverts liked to stuff their feet into others' mouths.

You Zijun was the rich guy who could afford a Jie Bao sports car, his family owned a mine, and he claimed he would have driven his Porsche over if it hadn't been for the distance.

Among these people, who could be the gold digger?

The biggest suspect was... Xu Qingyan couldn't help but lower his eyes to ponder, overhearing Liu Renzhi's self-introduction. It was probably right after he sat down that Liu Renzhi stood up.

"My name is Liu Renzhi, I am a fitness coach at XX gym, and I come from Magic City. If anyone needs fitness advice, feel free to consult me for free."

"As for my ideal type, I like someone who is self-disciplined with a good figure, and I lean towards mature and charming women. If I find someone I like, I will pursue them boldly!"

After speaking, Liu Renzhi glanced at Pei Muchan, who didn't even lift her eyelids, leaving Liu feeling somewhat defeated.

Indeed, a fridge with double doors made of muscle, and he is a fitness coach.

Xu Qingyan glanced sideways at Liu Renzhi, who was standing and speaking eloquently, his attention focused on the four female guests across the long table.

"A fitness coach, wow, that's impressive," Song Enya said with a look of surprise, raising her hand and smiling, "Me me me!! Can you coach me next time?"

With her cat-like appearance, different from the other female guests, she seemed to be genuinely good at socializing and exuded an inherent confidence.

Xu Qingyan's gaze shifted slightly, scanning over Song Enya.

She had the figure to do whatever she wanted, dressed with more taste than ordinary people; it wouldn't be surprising if she were a blogger or in a profession that requires exposure like modeling.

"I am Song Enya, a beauty influencer and livestream sales host," she then stood up, speaking openly, "My ideal type... there is no one here who fits my ideal type."

At those words, Chen Feiyu's face changed instantly, his eyes widening in disbelief. Looking up at Song Enya, he had the expression of a dog that had been abandoned by the roadside.

"However, I am the type who is fine with what is suitable, and I don't cling to the idea of an ideal type. I go all out for what I want, and that's the same for love," she said.

With that, she smiled.

"I am the cute and sexy Song Enya, please take care of me."


As her voice faded, several male guests on the scene immediately responded enthusiastically, giving her high praise. For men, Song Enya's directness was indeed charming.

Next, Chen Feiyu also stood up, stating that he had just graduated from college and was currently working as a male model, his ideal type being a cute girl.

The next one was You Zijun, who stood up and introduced himself.

"My name is You Zijun, a freelancer, occasionally helping out with some business in the family company. As for my ideal type... I prefer gentle and virtuous girls."

His words clearly pointed to someone, and among the four female guests, only Pei Muchan and Nian Shuyu were associated with being gentle and virtuous.

Furthermore, this morning, the first person he interacted with was Nian Shuyu, which made the result quite obvious.

After You Zijun finished introducing himself, Bai Jinze slowly stood up, first flashing an apologetic smile at Shen Jinyue before speaking.

"My name is Bai Jinze, and before I introduce myself, I'd like to apologize to you, Shen Jinyue, I was abrupt earlier."

"Hmph, fine then, I forgive you," Shen Jinyue agreed decisively.

"My profession is...." Bai Jinze paused for a moment and glanced at Pei Muchan, saying softly, "an actor."

"Wow! An actor, aren't you the star of tomorrow?" Song Enya piped in, managing to flatter whoever spoke, but she would only add a single line and not go on.

"I'm not really a star, just a small-time actor, and I might not even have as many fans as you," Bai Jinze laughed, returning the compliment, which was exactly what Song Enya liked to hear.

"My ideal type is firstly about appearance, since it's the first thing you notice about someone. If the personality is good, the first point can be overlooked."

Bai Jinze was being intentionally vague, creating a persona for himself in front of the cameras, targeting those young girls who are attracted to looks yet inexperienced.

After all, looks can be judged at a glance, and many girls can claim to have a good personality, which makes it easy for any girl to see herself as a match.

Nian Shuyu didn't want to be the last to present, and was nervously fidgeting with her hands while Bai Jinze was speaking. The moment he sat down, she eagerly stood up.

"My name is Nian Shuyu, I'm a flight attendant with xxx airlines, I chose this profession because I love the blue skies. My ideal type is a decisive boy, because I am usually quite... indecisive."

"A flight attendant, no wonder you're so beautiful," said Song Enya, "But isn't it hard for flight attendants to find boyfriends? You fly around all the time, surely you meet some outstanding guys, right?"

"Not really," Nian Shuyu said with a bitter smile, "Most flight attendants have a very narrow social circle. We're usually very busy, and the pay isn't high..."

"I see, that's tough," You Zijun commented with a smile.

"Not really."

The last to go, and the only one left, was Pei Muchan. Before she could stand up, everyone exchanged glances and couldn't help but laugh.

"I think there's no need for Pei Muchan to introduce herself, right?" Bai Jinze joked.

"Yeah, who doesn't know Pei Muchan?" Liu Renzhi chimed in.

"Since everyone has done their introductions, naturally, I have to follow the process," Pei Muchan said with a faint smile, glancing at Xu Qingyan. "I'm not very famous, just an ordinary singer."

"My name is Pei Muchan, a singer. My ideal type is a clean guy."


The male guests looked at each other, somewhat confused, while Xu Qingyan sat there with his arms crossed, looking up and making eye contact with her, showing no particular reaction.
