Chapter 40 Pinching Fingers

"How long did you sleep this afternoon?"

"A little over half an hour, I couldn't really fall asleep." Xu Qingyan picked up the pork belly, dipped it in some sauce, and wrapped it in a lettuce leaf before stuffing it directly into his mouth.

The taste was indeed not bad, but it wasn't particularly amazing.

Although he wasn't very well-off, his part-time jobs had exposed him to various cuisines, so he had seen a bit of everything. The Western Eight restaurant was just average, good enough to make do with when eating instant noodles.

"I think I slept for three hours." Pei Muchan played with the brown cumin powder on her plate while eating the barbecue and chatting leisurely with Xu Qingyan.

"You don't usually sleep much, right? You knock out as soon as you have some alcohol."

"Yes, I've had insomnia before."

"Was it because of a breakup?" he asked.