Chapter 51 The Old House on Fire

Xu Qingyan had thought the other person was somebody, but the more he listened, the more something felt off.

He had heard of the Xiliang band before, as a younger girl at his previous company was a die-hard fan of Xiliang, always energetically recommending the band to people around her during breaks.

At first, he was puzzled. Xiliang? Reminisce the past with tears unchecked?

It was only later that he found out Xiliang was short for "Xidan's Good Citizens." The original name, "Xidan Thugs," had been adjusted after getting a severe crackdown, prompting a name change.

This was a new boy band launched by Neptunus Music, which had been on fire for four years since their debut thanks to their attractive looks and muscular displays, attaining status almost equivalent to top-tier stars.

He had seen live footage of Xiliang's performances, which were wildly intense. With heavy metal rock and intense light shows, the atmosphere would ignite the moment the guitar chords struck.