Chapter 67 Concerns

The fishing boat let out a groan as it left the harbor and headed out to sea, immediately swaying with the surge of the waves.

Under the blazing sun, Xu Qingyan's bare arms felt a scorching heat, and he finally understood why all the female guests had slathered on sunscreen before setting off as if they were facing a formidable enemy.

The coastline stretched out; all four pairs of male and female guests stood at the bow, watching the white houses by the harbor retreat, a wisp of white smoke rising from a small temple, and the lush green island slowly revealing its true face.

Unable to stand steadily, bleh!

Nian Shuyu got seasick, threw up over the railing, and simply went back to the cabin to rest.

Loyal brother Chen Feiyu stood alone on deck, watching Song Enya and Liu Renzhi taking intimate photos. His face looked exceptionally awful, and viewers in front of the screen were already feeling embarrassed for him.