Chapter 81: The Sour Plum Isn't Sour Anymore

The ship was rocking, nudging an uncomfortable feeling into Pei Muchan's heart.

The sunlight was somewhat dazzling, slanting through the porthole at the bow and hitting the floor beside her feet. She wondered why she hadn't felt seasick yesterday, but today it had started.

With a rumble, the ship slowly left the shallows, and the vessel moved with the waves. The view was filled with white crests and the blue sky, while seagulls soared above, their calls piercing.

Xu Qingyan habitually walked ahead, while Lin Wanzhou subconsciously fell a step behind. With her hand behind her back, she stared at his heels, silently counting the steps he took.

Waves clapped against the railings, sending a fine mist of spray that flecked Xu Qingyan's face.

Suddenly remembering that Lin Wanzhou was wearing a skirt, he paused abruptly, intending to remind her to move in to avoid getting wet from the splashing water.

The pause caught Lin Wanzhou off guard, and she nearly bumped into him.