Chapter 112 Long Time No See the Sky, Go Follow Your Wind

You Zijun looked at Shen Jinyue and couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

After all, they had been partners for two days, acting like scampering sea monkeys on the beach, sharing hardships. Plus, after what happened to Shen Jinyue, she probably wasn't a gold digger, right?

After hesitating for a moment, he walked toward Shen Jinyue.

"I think...."

Shen Jinyue had been somewhat off ever since Xu Qingyan and Pei Muchan left, not because of any particular emotion, but because she realized it was truly time to part ways.

She looked up blankly, only to see You Zijun had approached her at some point. He clearly was speaking, but all she could hear was a buzzing sound.

She hadn't caught the first word, only the last few words, a couple?

"Sorry." She shook her head, her mood downcast.

"...No problem." You Zijun scratched his head, feeling awkward, and had no choice but to turn and leave.