Chapter 116: Sharp Review! The Singer Has Vocal Skills but Lacks Emotional Resonance_2


"Qing Tian," won't such a song title be too simple, it's another full-platform single release. I'm really worried about Sister Pei, isn't it easy to bomb with such a situation?

As time drew closer to six o'clock, Zhou Lili really wanted to say something. But after tapping more than two hundred characters, she realized she couldn't even convince herself.

What if Sister Pei slips up again or if it goes completely cold and bombs? It might be very difficult to see her pick herself up after that, and she might actually retire like those ruthless music critics say.

Suddenly, the chat group began to explode with messages.

"What nonsense are you talking about, Sister Pei is number one in the world!!"

She laughed, deleted her mini-essay, and joined in the frenzy of messages. It was as if doing this in the few minutes before the release of the new song could really bring about a miracle.
