Chapter 118 Lin Wanzhou: Really Likes the Lyrics and Music of This Song...

Lin Wanzhou hesitated for a moment, then clicked on the Penguin Music link shared by Xu Qingyan.

She had been wasting time these past two weeks, as the company intentionally had her attend some meaningless events. Commercial performances were both tiring and troublesome, and it was normal to work non-stop for a week.

After loading for a while, the app crashed abruptly. With no choice, she had to exit the chat and open the Penguin Music app. After waiting two seconds, the homepage loaded, and she glanced over it.

Huh? There was no "Qing Tian," nor any promotional recommendations for Pei Muchan and the like. With Pei Muchan's fame, she shouldn't have failed to secure a prominent homepage feature.

It was highly likely that she hadn't signed an exclusive deal, so there wasn't even a new song recommendation.