Chapter 120: When the Heart's Fire Blazes, Illness Strikes Like a Collapsing Mountain

"What?" Pei Muchan glanced at it, the paragraph was too long, so she stretched out her finger and skimmed to the last sentence.

It wasn't "like me 50 times," but a regular ending.

"In my countless hesitations, my youth never turned back to look at me once. I'm already an uncle, I really like this song, and now, catching a glimpse of that girl in my dreams just evens things out."

"Just this one comment?" she asked, looking up anxiously.

"On our drive here, about a thousand more comments popped up," he said with a laugh as he put away his phone. "The numbers should be exploding. Just go online and see."

"Okay." Pei Muchan's expression actually flashed with a moment of excitement.

Without another word, the two of them quickly made their way upstairs, afraid to miss a single step.

"Can you see it?"

"It's still loading, what's the rush?"