On the shelf + megaphone + Sanjiang testimonials

Brothers, we've finally reached this point.

Tomorrow, April 24, 2024, the book will be up for V, and at 20:00 sharp tomorrow evening, I'll present five chapters!

To tell you the truth, I never expected the book to achieve the success it has today.

Being able to fight our way out from four rounds of recommendations at the starting point, and to take in the urban special, new book promotions, trumpets, San Jiang, editor's promotions, and other recommendations, all thanks to the support and encouragement from you brothers and editor Liu Xing all along.

So... Having wandered half my life without recognition, I've finally found a lord worthy of loyalty. If you do not forsake me, I am willing to take you as my godfather.

Esteemed Godfathers above!

Thank you for the support you've always given to "Cabbage" and this book, I bow in gratitude!

Knock knock, here are two loud kowtows, begging for your initial subscriptions!