Chapter 101 How could you take such a risk?


The vehicle parked next to the phone store was a heavy motorcycle.

The muscle lines of its dark body resembled a ferocious tiger charging down from the mountains, conveying a sense of unstoppable might.

Lin Chuan's face looked somewhat unnatural.

To his embarrassment, he wasn't very familiar with heavy motorcycles.

"Shopkeeper, I'm a anti-fraud police officer from Anling City in Han River Province, and we're currently facing an emergency case. I need to temporarily requisition your vehicle."

At that moment, Shen Qianqian had already shown her work ID to the shopkeeper and spoke.

In some scenic areas, police officers are granted free access, which is why Shen Qianqian and Xia Qingqing brought their work IDs—never expecting that they would come in handy here.

Upon realizing they were police officers, the shopkeeper immediately stood up with an enthusiastic smile on his face.

"Officer, let me get the keys for you."