Chapter 113 Mr. Lin, You're Really Going to Jail Now, Huh?


The moonlight was deep, and the city in the night gradually sank into silence.

The twinkling lights in the distance flickered like stars in the night sky, peeking at this tranquil moment. A gentle breeze blew, rustling the leaves in the urban area, and the neon lights on both sides of the streets gradually went out, leaving only one or two street lamps standing firm in the darkness.

The takedown of "All-In" and "The Years I Was Tricked into the Factory Area" continued to ferment in the thrust of the night.

The next day, May 19th.

Modu, Sailing Building.

Wearing a moon-white dress, Youyou sat at her desk, one hand propping her cheek, the other scrolling the mouse wheel, searching for how to get Lin Chuan's new book unblocked.

Though Lin Chuan had sent her a message last night, telling her not to worry,

Lin Chuan was the hidden gem under her management, and the powerful momentum of "All-In" being sealed meant she couldn't even sleep peacefully.