Chapter 121: The King of Fraud, Never Fails! (Please Subscribe)

The next day.

May 28th.

As the sun began to rise, a warm orange-red hue gradually spread across the sky. On the roadside, leaves and blades of grass were covered in glittering dewdrops, twinkling in the morning light.

A gentle, cool breeze brushed across Lin Chuan's face, slowly eroding his drowsiness.

Lin Chuan and the Little Landlady had arranged to meet President Li at Yueming Tea House.

To demonstrate the importance they placed on this batch of antiques, they did not ride in a small electric vehicle, but instead called for a luxury car specifically for the trip.

The car: Mercedes-Benz GLC.

The driver: Wang Zikai.

"Old Lin, you... wow!" Wang Zikai, sitting in the driver's seat, turned his head and saw Lin Chuan getting into the car with the Little Landlady. He couldn't help but raise his thumb.

This guy!

He had been worried about him not being able to find a girlfriend before, but it turned out, one girl after another kept showing up around him.