Chapter 53: Song Wu's Surprise

These small domestic production teams really understand their audience.

The Brothel-themed dramas focus on the chaotic flurry of silk ribbons.

Song Wu and Bai Xin didn't dare to leave; if they just walked out now, they feared they would have trouble landing even the most minor roles in the future.

After changing into period costumes, their long black hair was casually draped over their shoulders.

In The Great Brothel, illuminated by red lanterns, a gang of villains suddenly rushed in.

Without a word, they grabbed the women and started killing.

Of course, they would do 'that' before the killing.

The script was written this way anyway, with a group of Brothel women running all over the place.

Those who ran slowly were caught and frantically rubbed on the ground; those who ran fast were blasted with wind machines.

They had to blow out everything the audience "uncles" wanted to see; what couldn't be shown, just couldn't be helped.