Days leisurely passed, and December had arrived in a blink of an eye.
With 30 days to go until the New Year of 2018, Chen Pingsheng took both of his little ones to the seaside for a two-day trip.
After that, life gradually returned to its plain routine.
He still sent Big Piya and Er Piya to school together every clear morning.
As for the neighbor next door, Shi Xiaoshan, he seems to have fallen into a state of dejection recently.
Mainly because his childhood sweetheart, Shen Bing, got taken by his best friend from the lower bunk at college.
Shi Xiaoshan was both angry and powerless.
Then one day, he was suddenly sought out by his friend who handed him a check.
It was not for a lot, just one million cash.
The price was to leave Shen Bing, and with that, the two college friends laid their cards on the table.
Shi Xiaoshan really wanted to be principled, but it's truly hard to stand tall with one million right before your eyes.