008 you should learn to let go now


The function of the heart and lungs is the ability of the heart to pump blood and the lungs to inhale oxygen, both of which directly affect the activity of all organs and muscles throughout the body.

And strong heart and lung function can support the increased metabolic demands when engaging in high-intensity exercise, ensuring that enough oxygen and nutrients are rapidly delivered to the working muscles and other organs, thereby enhancing athletic performance and endurance.

Therefore, it can be said that strong heart and lung function is the foundation for supporting high-intensity training and is the key first step in enhancing physical fitness.

Fang You felt that he harbored a strong force of abdominal energy within his chest, making his breathing much smoother.

And this also meant that playing the drum kit had become much easier for Fang You now!

For Fang You, a 2-year-old toddler, the drum kit was indeed a very physically demanding instrument, as it frequently required the use of the upper limbs, lower limbs, and even the core strength of the torso.

Even though he had unlocked the 'Unyielding Vitality' to reduce physical fatigue, Fang You could only practice the drum kit for a maximum of 1 hour per day before getting tired.

But after enhancing his heart and lung function, Fang You could now practice for over 2 hours continuously.

He gradually felt the call of the beat!

On his 2-year-old birthday, Fang You still celebrated with Xia Nuo.

Although still a little radish head, Xia Nuo had grown increasingly adorable.

At that moment, everyone had just finished singing the birthday song and was ready to divide the cake, Xia Nuo clamored to cut it herself.

When serving Fang You his piece of cake, Xia Nuo leaned close to him, secretively, and whispered in his ear:

"You You, do you know where the strawberry tastes best?"

"Where?" Fang You asked, raising his eyebrows slightly.

"It's the tip of the strawberry!"

Xia Nuo said this and cut the strawberry on the cake into two halves, then picked up the tip of the strawberry with a fork and brought it to Fang You's mouth.

"Here, try the tip of the strawberry!"


Fang You took a bite, and Xia Nuo suddenly snuggled into his arms, looking up at him with curiosity:

"Is the tip of the strawberry yummy?"


Fang You was nodding when suddenly Xia Nuo placed her hand over his mouth.

Before Fang You could react, Xia Nuo, containing her laughter, mumbled:

"Having eaten my strawberry tip, you have to play house with me, play house with me!"

Her eyes gazing at Fang You were so clear they could almost produce water!


This girl, at such a young age, has started to scheme against me!

Seeing this lively and humorous scene, the adults all laughed until they could hardly close their mouths, except Xia Anyang, who wore a sulky face, unable to smile at all.

Chen Xuan edited this clip from the birthday party and posted it on the social platform.

When she woke up the next morning, Chen Xuan found her followers had surged, with likes breaking ten thousand overnight:

"Oh my, Nuo Nuo is too good!"

"So flirtatious from such a young age, when they grow up, she'll surely have our You You completely wrapped around her finger."

"You You, you'll end up marrying her!"

"Please stop your aunts' laughter!"

"No way, you fangirl over such little kids too? Fangirling over everything will only harm you."

"Suggest you send me more photos privately to analyze the composition."

The virality of this video surpassed the previous incident with the bird eating diaper, as the clip was wildly shared across the internet, with netizens commenting and expressing their envy.

The two children's following on the platform surged past fifty thousand in one go.

Chen Xuan actively replied to the comments from netizens, seeing that many believed the two children had great potential for development and suggested that Fang You and Xia Nuo participate in 'Falling in Love with Kindergarten' to gain some experience.

"Falling in Love with Kindergarten" is a baby growth observation show actively organized by Busy Fruit Satellite TV in recent years.

This variety show focuses its camera on 2-to-4-year-old toddlers with no screen experience, authentically recording their journey from the start of school to gradually adapting to their new roles, revisiting the world from a child's point of view.

Compared with the well-known "Where Are We Going, Dad?", this show doesn't have in-demand or once hugely popular stars and their children.

The star teachers involved in the program have some influence, but not a lot.

The innocent, pure, and naive children are the true stars of the show.

After discussing with Lin Yi, she expressed that she had been very interested in this program and had watched it for a while in the past.

"Let's take the kids to experience the kindergarten atmosphere before they officially start school!"

The moms brought their kids to sign up for the auditions organized by the production team, which required an accurate self-introduction, answering the teachers' questions, and a short talent show performance.

With the massive popularity of Busy Fruit Satellite TV, the competition for the reality show's auditions was fierce; just queuing up to enter took 2 hours.

Although Xia Nuo and Fang You were only 2 years old, their logic and coherence were already smooth, so there was no problem with communication.

Xia Nuo's talent show was an imitation act, where she mimicked her own recalcitrant behavior and her mother's angry expressions.

Xia Nuo's eyebrows quivered, and although she was supposed to be portraying an angry mom, she pouted in a pitiful way, looking very pathetic, which made the judges laugh heartily.

While Fang You was still cultivating his drum kit skills, wanting to show off his powerful heart and lung function in front of everyone, he performed a talent of holding his breath underwater.

He brought over a basin filled with water and dunked his head into it.

Fang You remained underwater, holding his breath for over 2 minutes, and still hadn't come up.

This isn't even my limit!


Fang You didn't feel at all like his brain was lacking oxygen.

Fang You continued trying to hold his breath.

The judges were so startled by his stillness that they almost had a heart and lung stoppage, and they hurriedly pulled him out of the basin.

"I can still continue," Fang You said.

"Alright, alright, baby you're so great, so great! Everyone knows you're the best!"

"You should go for the Guinness World Records!"

The judges unanimously gave Fang You high praise.

Thanks to his outstanding performance in the auditions and his status as a little internet celebrity, Fang You and Xia Nuo stood out among the group of cute kids and secured their spots in the ninth season of "Falling in Love with Kindergarten."

As for Fang You himself, he had a certain interest in participating in this show.

Because he had recently saved up enough Growth Energy and advanced to level 6, unlocking a new growth objective:

[Make 4 new friends (0/4), unlock talent: Mind Catcher]

In such a competitive environment, the kids who stood out all had something special about their looks, personality, or talent.

Of course, an important factor was a good family educational environment.

Interacting with children from such families should be relatively easy, making friends would definitely be a simple matter.

However, upon seeing that huge 50,000-point Growth Energy bar after level 6, Fang You suddenly felt a bit overwhelmed.

If I just rely on eating, with less than 100 points of Growth Energy gained per day, when will I become a winner in life?

The number inflation is too severe, damn planners, come out and get beaten up!

About a month after registering, Fang You and Xia Nuo followed their parents to visit the program recording site—

A private kindergarten that looked very high-end, called Maggie Rainbow Kindergarten.

Man, why does this kindergarten's playground feel bigger than a high school's?

Is this really a place for little kids to run around, really?

Rainbow Kindergarten uses a "small class" teaching approach, with only a dozen seats per class, staffed by 3 teachers and 2 teaching assistants.

The classrooms were filled with all kinds of brand-new teaching equipment, spacious and bright.

The meals were buffet-style, with enough strawberry, shrimp, and chicken leg pasta to fill you up, even offering a different menu every day, with a variety of dishes that never repeated.

Wow, kids these days are just too lucky, right?

However, upon seeing the fee schedule that showed an annual tuition of 120,000 yuan, Fang You was also dumbstruck—

Man, kids are really not affordable at all!

Then came the day of the official recording of the show.

Fang You's parents joyfully brought their son to participate in the program, while Xia Nuo's father, Xia Anyang, seemed a bit reluctant to let go.

Xia Anyang tied his daughter's necktie neatly and said with affection, "Nuo Nuo, you're going to start kindergarten soon, will you miss daddy?"

"I will," Xia Nuo nodded.

"I knew you would miss daddy, but you're a brave little girl, and you can also take good care of yourself on your own."

Xia Anyang's voice started to choke, "You must listen to the teacher, okay?"

"Mhm...okay!" Xia Nuo nodded vigorously.

"It's okay if you end up crying! Don't be afraid of being embarrassed, you're a child, it's okay to cry."

"I won't cry."

Xia Nuo's expression was very determined.

"She can only be this confident now."

Watching his daughter's figure recede, Xia Anyang's gaze grew deeper.

He told the camera, "Don't be fooled by her confidence now, she might cry non-stop once she steps into the classroom, crying for her mom and dad."

"After all, she's my daughter, and I, as her father, understand her thoughts the best..."

Separation anxiety is a process every child must go through on the path of growing up.

Being separated from parents they've spent day and night with, facing a completely unfamiliar environment, even the most optimistic and cheerful children, under the influence of such an atmosphere, will certainly feel uneasy and scared.

Though these parents can hardly bear to see their children upset, they also need to hold back their emotions and choose the right moment to let go.

Otherwise, the children will never be able to soar high!

However, Xia Anyang, upon seeing Xia Nuo in the camera holding hands with Fang You, sitting together, laughing and chatting sweetly, in stark contrast to other kids who quickly started crying for their moms after entering the classroom, fell apart:


I was only thinking about Nuo Nuo and forgot about that little guy!

Xia Anyang performed an act of hitting the table in rage in the studio, while Lin Yi gently stroked her husband's hair to soothe him.

"Come on, it's time for you to learn to let go..."

"No...I don't want that to happen!"

Xia Anyang nestled in his wife Lin Yi's arms and tears fell from the tough guy.

This touching scene of warmth was also captured on film.

Interesting, didn't expect to find talent among the parents!

The show director beamed with the smile of someone who just won the ratings championship.