034 Great Emperor Returns Home

Ever since Xia Nuo stayed over at Fang You's place for one night, Lin Yi had been wanting to extend an invitation for Fang You to come over.

As the New Year approached, Lin Yi finally found the perfect opportunity.

The family planned to stay at Grandma's house in the countryside for a few days, and Lin Yi thought it would be a great idea to take You You there to play, so she immediately dispatched her eldest daughter, Xia Nuo, to go and persuade him.

"You You, You You, Mom said Grandma's place has lots and lots of animals, there are chickens, roosters, ducks, dogs, geese, oh, and cows, come with me to see them all!"

The countryside, huh...

Fang You's grandparents from both sides live in the city, so he seldom had the chance to visit the countryside.

Since he hadn't unlocked the rural map yet, if he went with Nuo Nuo to experience the customs of the countryside, he might even make some new friends, or unlock more talents or something...