037 To Survive Without Fighting (Seeking Follows, Seeking Monthly Tickets)

Brother Dong released Lin Mengran, who had already been defeated for the second time.

It tilted its head, its wise eyes gazing directly at Xia Nuo, seemingly showing great interest in her.

After being spared by Brother Dong, Lin Mengran staggered to her feet from the ground. At this moment, Si Lang, who had not yet entered the fray, hurried over to the rescue and helped the fallen her up.

"Gang Leader!"

"Where are those two useless guys?"

"They said they went to get reinforcements, they'll be here any minute!" Si Lang said.

"Tsk, such a bunch of useless trash. They ran away before even joining the fight..."

Lin Mengran rubbed the tears swirling in her eyes and watched the standoff between Xia Nuo and Brother Dong, inwardly crying out that this was bad.

Foolish child!

Run away!

It's not an opponent you can handle!

Lin Mengran felt a heart-wrenching concern for Nuo Nuo's predicament.