Happy Goose Mother in Triplicate 085


After walking offstage for the curtain call, Qu Mo suddenly had an epiphany.

Although he was quite upset that the limelight for his creative idea was snatched away by another man.

But in the end, it was his prepared program that received the accolades, so wasn't it his show that was popular after all?

The advantage is mine!

As he walked down from the stage, he hurriedly searched for the figure of his arch-rival amidst the crowded actors in the dressing room.

Fang You, did you see that?

What's called the God of Drums!

Qu Mo wiped the sweat from his face, looking all around for Fang You.

Then he noticed a cool little boy coming towards him through the crowd, dressed in a sequined vest, white shirt, and sporting a slicked-back hairstyle.

Because he was just too handsome, Qu Mo couldn't help but take a few extra looks.

He looked somewhat familiar.

Qu Mo thought for a moment.

Who cares who he is!

I need to find Fang You first!