"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" is a very interesting science fiction comedy. The story tells of an ordinary man on Earth named Xiao Shuai who is facing a demolition accident. A construction team wants to demolish his house, which is blocking a highway, but Xiao Shuai refuses to leave.
Despite his resistance, the holdout Xiao Shuai's house was finally destroyed by the construction crew, but not long afterward, Earth was also destroyed by alien demolition workers because they needed to build a hyperspace express route where it stood.
The protagonist Xiao Shuai survived because he had a friend named Old Black.
On the surface, this friend appeared to be an unemployed actor. In fact, he was an alien from the cosmos, sent to Earth as a researcher for the celebrated work "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy." To repay Xiao Shuai for saving his life, he hitched a ride with Xiao Shuai on the demolition workers' spaceship.