128 giving birth to me is truly my dad's good fortune

Oh my, how thoughtful, this system!

Fearing that my life has been too simple, it allows me to adjust my winning rate at any time.

Fang You had had enough of his unlucky days!

He had actually noticed that after his rebirth, his luck had always been so-so, and his achievements were all due to his own hard work and sweat.

After claiming the reward for a random task, the "Child of Luck" Talent appeared in his system panel.

The task of doubling knowledge energy was easy to understand, always drawing better stuff when doing a lottery...

This must be referring to things like lottery tickets, or buying mystery boxes, right?

First of all, exclude the lottery; scratch cards might be worth a try.

Then there's the game's card-drawing aspect, where the chances of getting good items might increase.

Besides that, I wonder if the built-in lottery system in my "Joyous Man" Talent will also be affected...

In any case, there are many things to try.