319, let's play Three Kingdoms Kill.

"Those were the basic rules I've organized about 'Three Kingdoms Kill', does anyone still have questions?"

"Overall, each person in the game plays a role, and according to that role, I must achieve the corresponding objectives. For example, the lord and the loyal officials need to eliminate all the rebels and spies on the field. If the rebels kill the lord, they win, and the spies need to kill the loyal officials and the rebels before they can kill the lord to win, right?"

Lin Qiaoen

"Absolutely correct."

"So it means the hardest role to play is the spy, having to constantly balance the powers and initially decide based on the situation on the field whether to pretend to be a loyalist or a rebel."

"Usually, pretending to be a loyalist can maintain a good 4V4 situation, but depending on the role's position and the strength of the general, a decision should be made before it's your turn, and then a critical decision to change your original identity at the last moment..."