Chapter 566

(This chapter is not yet finished, I am truly sorry, dear readers. Please refresh this page after half an hour. The author's household has been inundated with matters lately, which has affected my typing speed. I ask for your understanding. From tomorrow onwards, regular updates of new chapters will resume.)

Fouche bowed once more and continued, "Forgive my bluntness, Your Highness, but an investigation into this matter would demand a high level of expertise in trade, economics, and contracts. Should the intelligence service be tasked with the inquiry, it may take up to three months, or even longer."

Mirabeau said urgently, "That's too long; it will cause a massive breach of orders!"

Fouche then looked at Joseph, "Your Highness, if you permit one person to assist the intelligence bureau, I believe we could halve that time."

"Oh? Who might that be?"