Section 37 - Frightening Combat Power

Just coming out of the "Genuine Fragrance" Combat Flight Squadron's three-story building, Chen Fei's cellphone suddenly started ringing.

"Ding Ling Ling Ling, Chef Abel is calling!"

He had set automatic caller ID, so he could tell who was calling just by the ringtone.

Chen Fei glanced at the screen and sure enough, it was Chef Abel from the base canteen.

"Little Chen, when are you free tonight? I need a hand!"

Abel's unique, rooster-like tone came through.

Chen Fei tentatively asked, "Chef Abel, what's the matter?"

Chef Abel was taken aback for a moment, then spoke even louder, "What? Did you forget? I told you last night, the scoundrel Pu Aihua was taken away by the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Now it's just me, and I'm swamped!"

There was a hint of desperation in Abel's voice.

Thinking about it, it was easy to understand. With one kitchen hand gone, everything had to be handled by the chef personally.