Section 64 - Leveling


w(?Д?)w! Ouch!

"Dragon Slayer Missiles" are even more expensive than "Big Mouth Monsters"?

Chen Fei was immediately relieved, thankful that Apocalypse Defense Group didn't bill him for the "Dragon Slayer Missile" he had accidentally launched, otherwise it would have scared him to death.

The purchase cost of a single KDK-1 intake hypersonic smart missile was far more than the entire combat cost of the assault on Aircrew Base 897.

If Aircrew Base 911 hadn't successfully killed the Metallic Dragons and harvested the wreckage, it would have definitely been a bloodbath loss.

Using "Dragon Slayer Missiles" to bomb an aircrew base, wiping them out completely, how deep must the hatred be?

Apocalypse Defense Group's combat mission for subsidiary Aircrew Base 911 was not meant to wipe them out completely; it focused primarily on destroying equipment and buildings, and the slaughter of the base's living forces was not part of the plan.